Executives wishing to stay in touch

If you are a senior executive looking to make contact or stay in touch with Archer Mann, please consider registering with us via Not Actively Looking.

Not Actively Looking is an online platform for senior executives looking to share confidential information with top-level executive search firms. It allows you to keep search firms informed about your recent achievements, career aspirations, as well as salary expectations, locations, and type of company that you would consider for the next stage of your career. Unlike other networking sites, Not Actively Looking allows you to control what information is available and which search firms have access to that information. Any information shared in this way is not visible to your colleagues, customers or other third parties.
If you have already registered with Not Actively Looking, please consider adding Archer Mann to the list of search firms who have access to your profile.

Even if you are currently not actively looking to make a change in our career, we recommend that you sign up to Not Actively Looking. Initial registration will only take you a few minutes. Once registered, you can go back at any time to edit or update your profile or change your user settings, selecting who can view your profile.

There is no cost to anyone signing up for standard membership. Premium membership of Not Actively Looking is available for either a small monthly charge or an annual fee.